Sunday, June 19, 2011

50 Weeks!

   Well here I sit, on Sunday, about to write my first official blog. This past Saturday came and went before I had time to think. But I'm here before the weekend comes to an end and writing to tell you all about our week. Well Wednesday through Sunday anyway.
 It has been a great week! We have had several busy days and a couple exciting days! Toby and I are finally mostly over our colds. Tobias is doing really well, I still have a little sore throat, but I'm feeling so much better and gaining energy everyday. We have been able to get outside and enjoy the sunshine that has recently been gracing Alaska with it's presents; It has been wonderful! 
 Thursday we had an FRG (Family Readiness Group) meeting that went very well and was very encouraging. The FRG is the group that keeps the spouses informed of any needed information while their soldier is deployed, as well as provides a support group for the spouses. We have two lovely ladies running the FRG and I'm looking forward to future meetings and get-together.

 Friday was a great day, the highlight of my week! My mom joined me and Toby as we headed to the hospital for my 13 week appointment. We got to see baby Williams #2 and he was beautiful! (He being a general term for the baby, I cannot stand to call the baby "it")  He was so active and playful, hands in his mouth and above his head, I was so happy to see him healthy and active! I'm excited to meet him. I'm only 13 weeks and I'm ready to be done and just have a baby to hold and play with.

 Saturday was another exciting day, my brother Kyle and his lovely wife Liz made it to Alaska after a long drive from Texas. We have spent the weekend with them and it has been great! I love being around my brothers, the laughs are non-stop, much like my childhood. Our family is always laughing. I must say that is one thing I miss about Thomas the most, he is always making me laugh. I realized last time he came home for R&R how much I had Not laughed while he had been gone. My sides hurt the first few days he was home from all the laughing we did! It truly is a joy to be able to laugh, I'm glad God gave us that pleasure!

 I have been able to talk to Thomas twice and receive a couple text messages from him since Wednesday. He was beyond excited to hear about my 13 week apt. and I sent him pictures of the baby, and a video too! I was blessed to have a great midwife at my apt. that allowed me to take pictures and video during the ultra sound. I spoke with Thomas this morning and he sounded very tired. It has been a rough week and he could use your prayers. He's got a lot on his plate. Summer time is the busiest time in Afghanistan, this is when the al-qaeda are most active. It's so hot right now, he went from 50 degree weather to 110 degree weather. His unit landed in the busiest time with little chance to acclimate and prepare, so things are busy and frustrations can run high.  Pray he stays focused, and is able to stay cool and sleep comfortably. (One of the air-conditioners broke last night in the huge tent they are all currently sleeping in). He is leaving soon to a new FOB (Forward Operating Base) and he is excited about that. He will get his own room and be able to set up internet so we will be able to Skype. Once he's there he will give me his address and I will e-mail that out to you, along with a list of needs and wants for Thomas. Thank you for your prayers, I know I thank you often, but it's all I have right now, the words Thank you. I mean these words, because you don't know how much it means to me that you are praying for my family and supporting us during this time.

 Tobias and I made it to church today. I'm so glad we did. Several people reminded me I could ask them for help at anytime, and I know they meant it. I'm not alone. That means a lot to me and to Thomas. Knowing his family is taken care of makes him able to focus on his job and worry less about us. It's good to have friends and family, I'm blessed.
 I was reading a book I received for Christmas from Thomas' Dad this morning before church. It's called "At the Corner of Mundane and Grace" By Chris Fabry. This book has made me laugh out loud, and burst into tears. I have truly enjoyed it. I think God knew I needed to read this particular chapter today, because I started my day with a pity party. I was really feeling sorry for myself and having a hard time even wanting to go to church. But then I picked up this book and started reading. Here is a little of what I read;
    "There are times when God remains silent and lets us wait. Likewise, some of the most important words in our lives are ones we don't say. The pause in a beautiful piece of music is a powerful part of the song, making you long for more, for completion. Silence makes you yearn for things that don't disappoint."..."We spend our lives waiting for what we think is important only to find that the best things weren't the ones we were waiting for at all. The important things were thrown out like the Christmas wrapping paper. The important things passed us by while we were looking for the TV remote."
  "Maybe God will be silent today, or perhaps he'll give a spectacular insight. Even if it's only ten seconds, I don't want to miss it." 

 I sat back after reading this and realized I can spend the next 50 weeks waiting for Thomas to get home. I can make that my sole purpose, my only focus, my idol....Or I can remember that life is still happening. I'm gonna miss a whole lot of blessing from my amazing God if I don't open my eyes to each moment this year. I can hold on to the heart wrenching, yet beautiful anticipation of having to wait for my love to come home, but with each day I can look to my Lord and say "Okay, what would you have me learn today?" It may be silence, learning to trust Him, it may be insight into enriching my marriage, being a better wife, it may be learning from the simplicities of a child,  it may only be ten seconds, but I don't want to miss it!

 Thank you for reading my rambles! Much love to you all!


Toby and I enjoying the sun at cottonwood park. 

                                                                                                 Tobias watching his daddy video.

My little sock monster! Keeping bare feet bare since 2011!

                                                                                         Playing with Uncle Kyle!
                        My precious baby Williams number 2! I cannot wait to meet you!

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