Tuesday, July 26, 2011

45 weeks!

 Well Tuesday is closer to last Saturday than Wednesday! Ha, I'll eventually get back on track of writing my blogs on Saturday or Sunday of every week. Non the less, another week is gone! We are half way through the 40's and I'm so glad! Tobias and I have had a great week. Toby has been making some great progress with sleeping! I've been working really hard on sleep training with him, but I think I am the one who needed the training! Toby is more than ready to sleep through the night if his mommy would just let him cry a little bit; he'd go right back to sleep. But his mommy is a softy and goes in and checks on him and disrupts this beautiful process we call sleep! So far, however, we have had four nights of great sleep, with Tobias only waking once or twice and going right back to sleep. Thank the Lord that we are learning how to sleep before baby Williams number 2 is here!

 Tobias now has a weekly play date with his Nana, and I have an evening "off" every week. Last Thursday was the first time I've left Tobias with my mom for longer than 4 hours. He had a great time and did so well! It was very nice to have an evening to just relax. I went to dinner with my friend Kea; we tried a new Chines restaurant it was fantastic. We both really enjoyed the food, but got an even bigger kick out of the name of the restaurant, "Kenny's Kitchen, Chinese Comfort Food" just awesome, makes me laugh! This week I get an evening to myself on Wednesday, tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it, and I know Nana and Toby are looking forward to their play date!

 Another first for me this week was putting Tobias in the nursery. I was disappointed to learn that the speakers in the cry room were broken so I couldn't hear the sermon. So I decided to be brave and let Toby play in the nursery. He, once again, did great! I explained to the ladies that I had never left him with anyone except my mom so I wasn't sure how he would react. Tobias is an amazing baby, he loved it. It did help that the nursery has a ceiling fan, one of his favorite things to point at and talk about these days. It was very nice to be able to listen to the sermon all the way through!

 We had another great walk on Friday. It was beautiful and hot! Felt great! After our walk Tobias and I went to the Golden Corral with my friend Lindy and her two beautiful girls, Sophia and Stella. It was a blast. Tobias had a great time eating new foods, and yelling and smiling at everyone who walked by. Good thing it's loud to begin with in there, cause Tobias was not quiet at all! It was pretty funny.

 I have heard from Thomas a couple times this week. He's doing really well. They've been a bit busier lately, but he's really been enjoying getting to know the Lithuanian soldiers that our stationed on FOB Wolverine with him. He said they have been doing some trading. Thomas traded some of his gear for a Lithuanian uniform. He was rather excited about that, I'm curious to see it. He's been able to have some new experiences and I know he's enjoying his work very much. He has received another box from his Mom, filled with oatmeal raisin cookies, Thomas' favorite. Thomas said the cookies were Great! It's amazing what a taste of home will do for you.
 Well I should be going, Tobias is napping and I have yet to shower. Then it's off to my friend Mallory's house for a bake-a-thon! We are baking for the FRG bake sale on Thursday. I'm looking forward to it! Thank you all for your love and continued support. 23 weeks till Thomas is home for R&R, and Baby Williams number 2 will be here! Crazy and exciting! (I have to count down to R&R too, helps me when I feel like 45 weeks is too far away!) Have a blessed week, see you again soon!

P.S. I almost forgot! (can't believe I almost forgot!) My Papa came home Wednesday from a 6 month voluntary deployment to Iraq! It is so nice to have one of my heroes home! Tobias is getting used to having his Grandpapa around; I love watching them interact! (The pictures are a little out of place today, but enjoy anyway!)
  Our lovely walk this morning to the dog park!
 Yelling at all the people at Golden Corral!
 Lot of fun having new experiences!
 Our coastal trail walk on Friday!
 Having quality time with Grandpapa and his new four-wheeler!
 I got my pants off! Ha ha!
 Welcome Home Granpapa!
 And another picture from our walk this morning! Have a great week! :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

46 Weeks!

Aaaaaaak, it's Wednesday! I'm rather behind this week. But it is kinda nice that week 46 is already almost half over! Well Last week was great! Tobias and I had a lot of fun and new adventures. We went to my 17 week appointment on Tuesday and although we did not get to see the baby via ultra sound, we did get to hear his little heart beat. Beautiful sounds to a mama's ears! We will find out the gender August 10 (that will be week 42's post)!
 Thursday we went to an FRG meeting and we have some exciting events coming up, including a bake sale on the 28th and a trip to the Zoo on the 10th. It's great to have these outings and events to look forward to, helps the time go by quickly. Friday we met up at the coastal trail again, and had a great walk! Tobias really seems to enjoy these walks, and I'm so glad. After our walk we had a new experience, we went to see the new Winnie the Pooh movie! It was so much fun and Tobias really enjoyed it! I was surprised he did as well as he did. The movie is just over an hour so I figured he'd do great, but I forgot about all the previews, and then there was a mini cartoon before the movie! He made it almost to the end without fussing, but he couldn't sit still any longer, so the last 15-20 minutes I stood in the back of the theater and rocked him to sleep. It was so fun to watch his reactions to the movie. He loved the red balloon that is seen through out the film. He squealed with delight every time he saw it! So cute! Nana joined us, and it was a very fun day!
 Saturday we went garage sale-ing. I was proud of myself for sticking to my list and not buying junk! I love garage sale-ing, but I have to give myself a spending limit and a list otherwise I just can't help myself. "Oh 25 cents for a book I'll never read, sure! It's only 25 cents! Look 50 cents for a sweater, who cares that I have 25 sweaters!" Anyway, I'm doing better about curbing my desire to buy and shop.

  Sunday we made it to church again, so glad! It was a good time of fellowship. Afterward my mom and Tobias and I went to Target and bought Toby a big boy car seat! He looks so grown up (check out the pictures below)! He loves his big boy seat, he can see out the window, it has a cup holder and snack holder and there is no more screaming when I put him in the car! He's quite happy.

 Well I know I'm eating into this week, but Monday we got to talk to Thomas via video chat. It had been a few days since we got to "See Daddy". It was wonderful and Tobias just talked and talked to Thomas. I loved it! Thomas got his package from the Neirs, Jacob, and me and Toby. He really enjoyed all the goodies. I also sent him an awesome pillow and he's been loving it (it's supposed to cure a lot of issues, back pain, head aches, etc.). He's doing really well, had a smile on his face, and we had some good laughs. He sends his love to you all and thanks you for the boxes!

 Well I should go before I start bragging anymore about this week! But I must say, I am so thankful for good friends. I had a great visit yesterday with my dear friend Kea and it was just what I needed. I had started feeling many worries creep up on me and begin to overwhelm me. I could tell I wasn't resting in my Lord, laying my worries at His feet, and resting in His peace. I thank God for the blessing of wonderful friends, we were not meant to walk this life alone!

 Hope you have a great rest of the week! See you soon!


  Love that wake up face!
  Driving Daddy's truck with his faithful side kick! :)
 Driving mommy! ;-)
 At the Coastal trail! Notice the train in the back ground!
  First time at the Theater!
 Playing with Trooper, he's silly!
 My Little Safari boy all dressed up for church!
Off to church we go! See you next week!

Monday, July 11, 2011

47 Weeks!

 Well it seems the weekends continue to pose a challenge for me to actually complete my blog on time! But, that's okay, Tobias and I have had some great weekends and they just slip by so quickly I hardly have time to think (which is just fine with me!).  What a week! I can hardly remember what we did, but I know it was a good week. Ha ha! The highlight was definitely talking to Thomas via Google video chat. I think Tobias and I got to talk with him 3 times this week. What a blessing! I feel so spoiled, but I'll happily take it!
 Thomas has sounded so good every time we have talked with him. He's been going to church, and even started going to a Bible study on Wednesdays. They are studying John 3 where Nicodemus talks with Jesus. I'm going to read it too, helps me stay even more connected with Thomas. He and his team are continuing to work out at the gym, and do whatever it is they do every day. Thomas said "We had a normal day here, went to the gym, did some paper work, ate." I hope his days continue to be like that, smooth, enjoyable and uneventful! It is such a joy to watch him and Tobias interact on video chat. I know I probably repeat myself here, but it is so much fun! They clap, and Tobias talks to Daddy, tells him all kinds of stories, and smiles and waves. I'm not sure exactly how much Tobias understands, but from what I can tell he and Thomas enjoy it, and that's what matters.
 Tobias and I went to Willow Alaska this week, for an over night stay at a dear friends house. It was wonderful; a little get away. My friend Jaala was hosting a baby shower for her sister Emily and we just couldn't miss it! So we drove the 2 hours to Willow and Jaala was kind enough to let us spend the night so it wasn't a late night for us driving home. Jaala and her husband Kenny live in a delightful little house/cabin. It felt like a private resort for me! I was waited on hand and foot, and Tobias loved having new places to explore.
 Friday we enjoyed a lovely walk along the coastal trail with some good friends. We enjoyed it so much we made it a regular weekly event. Every Friday we will be walking the coastal trail! I'm really looking forward to the exercise and the friendly company. The coastal trail runs right a long the coast (imagine that) it's a great place to stroll with kids. There are ships and mountains on one side, and train tracks on the other, with regular visits from passing trains. Tobias had a blast pointing at everything, every bird, person, biker, dog and more. It was quite fun.
 This weekend we went to the bear paw festival in Eagle River, with my mom. We had a good time. We didn't stay long but we enjoyed a big, loaded baked potato, and a funnel cake, and I got some kettle corn for Thomas (per his request!). I love people watching at huge events like this, it's quite entertaining! I think we counted 6 people with wiener dogs, a guy in a storm trooper outfit, and countless little kids with crazy, colored hair (glad I don't have to wash that hair!).
 I've had a song stuck in my head all week by Caedmon's call. It keeps reminding me that no matter what God is working on changing my heart. I can fight Him, try to run, try to stay self absorbed, but He's determined to find me, and change me. Here are part of the lyrics that I've been singing in my head.

 ...Like a coin hiding in the corner
Trying not to be swept
And I was trying not to be swept.

Kicking against these goads
Sure did cut up my feet
And didn't your hands get bloody
As you washed them clean (you washed them!),

 Here I am again, back where I began
Try as I may I can't get away from you
And all of these roads lead me to roam,
Bring me back home.
Here I am again, back where I began.

 So you have yourself your ninety nine (ninety nine),
Isn't that enough for you?
Still you followed me to the shadowed valley
Carried me on your shoulders too.

 I'm so grateful God is not  satisfied with me the way I am. That He uses the toughest situations we are in to mold us, teach us, and change us. Even when all we want to do is curl up in a ball and wait for it to all go away. He follows us into the shadowed valley and carries us out, reminding us we've got to move on, stop kicking against the goads and start again. What amazing grace!
 Hope you all have an awesome week! Much Love!


  Eating Peas! He loves them!
 Bath time!
 His new trick this week, sucking both thumbs at the same time! Silly boy!
  Quality time with Daddy!

 He's been crossing his feet when he relaxes. Cracks me up cause Thomas does the same thing!
My boys, my heroes! 

Monday, July 4, 2011

48 Weeks!

 Well, we are truckin' right along here through the 40's. Some days I think "Wow, it's been another week already?!" and other days I think "Wait we are ONLY at 48 weeks???" The weeks seem to go by fast, but we are busy so it feels like more than a weeks worth of time should be past. Perhaps that's a sign that I need to slow down!
 Tobias and I had a good week. We spent the first part of the week at home, catching up on cleaning and laundry (we are still catching up!). We hung out with Kyle and Liz on Wednesday, there last day in beautiful Alaska. I've said this before, but it was so good to have them visit. They have arrived in Okinawa safe and sound and are slowly getting settled. I can't wait to go visit them! Perhaps next summer, we shall see.
 I've been organizing Tobias' room this week, getting it cleaned up for him to have some more play space, and getting it ready for another baby to be in and out of it. I set up the gate in front of his door and was able to let him play while I continued to run around and finish up cleaning.  It was nice to have a safe place for him to play for a bit. We were pleasantly surprised to receive a package that same day, from Grandpa and Grandma (Thomas' parents). I let Tobias help me open the box, he had too much fun pulling all the things out, looking at them briefly, tossing them behind him, and digging in for more! What did he enjoy the most? The letter and paper articles that were for me. What is it with babies and paper?! It was fun to get a box from family ( Tobias definitely enjoyed it!). Thanks Mom and Dad!
 Our biggest joy this week was video chatting with Daddy for the first time! Tobias just loved it! The pictures below depict it all. It was such a breath of fresh air to be able to SEE and talk to Thomas. He enjoyed talking to and seeing Tobias so much, it was beautiful. I am so thankful for technology! I think back to the World Wars, Vietnam, and even 18 years ago when my Dad deployed for a year to Korea (wow it's been 18 years!) and how those moms, wives, and families depended on letters, and sometimes a phone call from their loved ones. I get to see my soldier! Women like my mom are really amazing. 
 Thomas is doing really well. He's been going to the gym, and they even got to go to church this week (something he was really hoping to do). He said it was good and they enjoyed it. He gave me a small list of things he and his team would like, so I'll get that out in an e-mail. He sends his love to family and friends, and thanks you all for your support. He mentions that in e-mails often.

 Well I've been reading some more and I've been so inspired lately, I can not help but share it.  I am actually reading several books right now. I have my "I'm rocking Tobias to sleep book" my "curled up with a hot cup of tea book" my "I need to read something encouraging now book" etc.  I read when I can, it may only be half a chapter or less at a time, but what I've had the chance to read has been immensely helpful.  The book, "Loving the Little  Years- Motherhood in the Trenches" By Rachel Jankovic has been especially helpful to me lately. This woman is amazing, she has 5 children under the age of 5! She wrote this book for me! Okay so not exactly for me, but for moms, moms with little ones, moms who have their hands full, moms who need to know somethings will not last forever and we will make it through! The chapter that stuck out to me this week is titled Watch Your Language (not what you think, but stick with me here) let me share some of this chapter with you.

 "Another way we can do damage to ourselves is through the use of totally innocent words that we use to allow ourselves something. I remember thinking sometimes when the twins were little I had better stop being overwhelmed....God gave me this to do.  I may not be overwhelmed about it. I can try as hard as I can, and maybe fail sometimes....but I may not be overwhelmed. Actually, I may be overwhelmed but I may not say that I am overwhelmed! The words have a real power over us. If you say it, you allow it for yourself. You give yourself that little bit of room to say, "But I can't!" "  

"Do you like to dwell on the discouragement? Do you spend time not working but tallying the work that you think is too much for you?...Instead of spending time telling yourself stories in which you are given too much to do, come up with some simple coping tactics. In that same early and intense phase with the twins, I developed the twenty-minute rule. If things started seeming really out of control, I would look at the clock and not the time. Then I would tell myself that in twenty minutes this would be over. If I just kept my head down and did the work, twenty minutes was all I needed....What was it? A moment. It passes. But when it passes, you will be very glad if all you did was work right through it. No self-pity, no tears, no getting worked into a dither. Look at the clock, look at the work you need to do, and bear down. The super intensity will almost always be over in twenty minutes!"

 Oh how I wish I could look at the clock, look at the work I have to do around the house, the bills, the dogs, myself and Tobias, note the time and in twenty-minutes Thomas walks through the door! I know she's not necessarily talking about long term stress-ers like deployments, but the idea still applies. Developing coping skills, instead of curling up in a ball and feeling defeated. Taking the work that's in front of me, noting the time, and bearing down and doing it, no tears, no self-pity, just working straight through. Taking things one piece at a time, not all at once (something my mom has been trying to teach me for as long as I can remember). That's why I am counting this deployment in weeks, that's why I am blogging. I have a long way to go some days. Some days I want to lay in bed and feel defeated, but I know in the end it won't make the time go faster, and it won't make me feel better. It will most likely put me in a bad mood. So I get up, make a short to do list, and start working. Soon, the day is over, I smile at what I've accomplished, and feel satisfied that one more day is done.

 Well, I've got some dishes to do and a little boy to tickle while I get him dressed. Have a blessed day my friends and family!

 Much Love!


  Playing Pick-A-Boo!
 Toby sucking his thumb while Daddy sings the thumb song! :)
  My busy little man!
 Hi everyone!
 Tobias' new road/town rug!
 Me and Tobias at church, so glad we made it! :) See you next weekend!