Tuesday, July 26, 2011

45 weeks!

 Well Tuesday is closer to last Saturday than Wednesday! Ha, I'll eventually get back on track of writing my blogs on Saturday or Sunday of every week. Non the less, another week is gone! We are half way through the 40's and I'm so glad! Tobias and I have had a great week. Toby has been making some great progress with sleeping! I've been working really hard on sleep training with him, but I think I am the one who needed the training! Toby is more than ready to sleep through the night if his mommy would just let him cry a little bit; he'd go right back to sleep. But his mommy is a softy and goes in and checks on him and disrupts this beautiful process we call sleep! So far, however, we have had four nights of great sleep, with Tobias only waking once or twice and going right back to sleep. Thank the Lord that we are learning how to sleep before baby Williams number 2 is here!

 Tobias now has a weekly play date with his Nana, and I have an evening "off" every week. Last Thursday was the first time I've left Tobias with my mom for longer than 4 hours. He had a great time and did so well! It was very nice to have an evening to just relax. I went to dinner with my friend Kea; we tried a new Chines restaurant it was fantastic. We both really enjoyed the food, but got an even bigger kick out of the name of the restaurant, "Kenny's Kitchen, Chinese Comfort Food" just awesome, makes me laugh! This week I get an evening to myself on Wednesday, tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it, and I know Nana and Toby are looking forward to their play date!

 Another first for me this week was putting Tobias in the nursery. I was disappointed to learn that the speakers in the cry room were broken so I couldn't hear the sermon. So I decided to be brave and let Toby play in the nursery. He, once again, did great! I explained to the ladies that I had never left him with anyone except my mom so I wasn't sure how he would react. Tobias is an amazing baby, he loved it. It did help that the nursery has a ceiling fan, one of his favorite things to point at and talk about these days. It was very nice to be able to listen to the sermon all the way through!

 We had another great walk on Friday. It was beautiful and hot! Felt great! After our walk Tobias and I went to the Golden Corral with my friend Lindy and her two beautiful girls, Sophia and Stella. It was a blast. Tobias had a great time eating new foods, and yelling and smiling at everyone who walked by. Good thing it's loud to begin with in there, cause Tobias was not quiet at all! It was pretty funny.

 I have heard from Thomas a couple times this week. He's doing really well. They've been a bit busier lately, but he's really been enjoying getting to know the Lithuanian soldiers that our stationed on FOB Wolverine with him. He said they have been doing some trading. Thomas traded some of his gear for a Lithuanian uniform. He was rather excited about that, I'm curious to see it. He's been able to have some new experiences and I know he's enjoying his work very much. He has received another box from his Mom, filled with oatmeal raisin cookies, Thomas' favorite. Thomas said the cookies were Great! It's amazing what a taste of home will do for you.
 Well I should be going, Tobias is napping and I have yet to shower. Then it's off to my friend Mallory's house for a bake-a-thon! We are baking for the FRG bake sale on Thursday. I'm looking forward to it! Thank you all for your love and continued support. 23 weeks till Thomas is home for R&R, and Baby Williams number 2 will be here! Crazy and exciting! (I have to count down to R&R too, helps me when I feel like 45 weeks is too far away!) Have a blessed week, see you again soon!

P.S. I almost forgot! (can't believe I almost forgot!) My Papa came home Wednesday from a 6 month voluntary deployment to Iraq! It is so nice to have one of my heroes home! Tobias is getting used to having his Grandpapa around; I love watching them interact! (The pictures are a little out of place today, but enjoy anyway!)
  Our lovely walk this morning to the dog park!
 Yelling at all the people at Golden Corral!
 Lot of fun having new experiences!
 Our coastal trail walk on Friday!
 Having quality time with Grandpapa and his new four-wheeler!
 I got my pants off! Ha ha!
 Welcome Home Granpapa!
 And another picture from our walk this morning! Have a great week! :)

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